Reduce Your Stress To Step Into Peace And Confidence Mindset

This blog post has been authored by Rose Hong Klein, Southeast Hypnosis

We are currently dealing with situations in our world that is every changing and are different than what we expected it to be. We are forced to deal with the fallout of our businesses and our relationships due to the continued shut down of certain businesses, current health crisis, and government restrictions. With the riots, fires in California, hurricane in Louisiana and the polarization of the political climate, the world is simply a different place than we expected to be.

We are now having a whole generation of people whose mood is easily altered and manipulated by our GPS, and the internet. Our self-esteem and self-confidence are related to how much likes and follows we have in our Facebook or other social media accounts. The likes from our social media accounts become a machine of destruction for our mood that is based on a popularity contest t…

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What is a Trademark: Your Questions Answered

This blog post has been authored by Nuzayra Haque-Shah, NH Legal

What are a trademark and its use for business? There are various companies that brew beer but how is it possible that we can easily identify Corona from Blue Moon? Aren’t we supposed to be confused considering there are hundreds of beer companies selling their product in the market?! Giving a different name, logo or catchphrase to a product makes it distinct from other products of the same category. This explains why McDonald’s is not “finger-lickin’ good”. To understand trademarks better, we have addressed some important common questions below.

A. What exactly is a trademark?

A trademark is a word, symbol or phrase used to identify a product and distinguish it from the product of another manufacturer or seller. Trademark prevents consumer confusion and makes it easier for them to select and purchase the goods and services they want. Example: the …

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Why Hashtags Are The SEO Of Instagram

This blog post has been authored by Carly Zimbone, Carly Zimbone LLC


If you’re trying to grow your Instagram account, there are two things you should have clarity around: what you’re posting and why you’re posting it. Choosing a set of 30 unique hashtags helps you ensure that you are targeting the right people. Hashtags are an incredible asset to tag onto every single post! I know it might seem timely but if you want to optimize your post reach, then input 30 unique hashtag sets into every Instagram post. 

What is a hashtag?‍

A hashtag is a simple unique key phrase with 0 spaces that a user can search to seek out content that’s relevant to that keyword. Think about it like this, if you want to find really delicious gluten free recipes to bake for this year’s Christmas Party, then you might want to search #glutenfreedesserts. 

Instagram Hashtag #…
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Get Covid Grants and Loans for Your Business: Part 1

This blog post has been authored by Charity Barrett, The Diamond Lab

HELP what I continue to see as I peruse social media. Many business owners are struggling after Covid-19 wreaked havoc on the world. During these unprecedented times, it often feels that nobody knows what to do...not even the United States' government. Cries for help are everywhere and people need guidance on where to get resources to survive.

The Small Business Administration (SBA) has programs intended to help business owners recover. Recover is not the appropriate word because it implies that the problem is over. The problem persists for many business owners which is a shortage of cashflow as consumers hold on tightly to the dollars they would have been spending under normal circumstances. People are scared so they no longer dispose of income like business as usual.

With unemployment at an all-time high and businesses closing their …

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To Be Indispensable

This blog post has been authored by Seraphine Ruligirwa-Kamara, Institute of Ultimate Potential

There are those who make such little impact that in the event of their absence, there would be little to no need to replace them.

If we can intentionally structure and package the value that we bring to the world, it will not only recognize but also abundantly reward you for the value that you provide. On the other hand, if like most people, we fail to explain our value in succinct ways, we make it difficult for the world to know what to do with us. We risk being inconsequential statistics. If we are lucky, we simply get ignored so much that even if an organization keeps us, we are relegated to the back end of all the action and rewards that matter.I've been on both sides of that divide. It took me a while to figure out that I needed to raise my value to others to the point where they would want to work with me and only me. Read more

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Storytelling Is A Must Use Business Tool

This blog post has been authored by Mahani Zubedy, Story Heart School

This is your customer brain when you tell her about your product or service. The language part of her brain is activated. This is your customer’s brain when you tell her about your product or service in a story.

The language comprehension part of her brain is activated. Depending on the story, some or all of the blue sensory areas light up. Your customer “sees” and “hears” with you.

She co-creates the story. Something else happens–-your customer feels! She invests in your story, she creates memories of when she was in a similar situation. She may or may not remember what you said, but she will remember how you made her feel.

She forms an emotional connection with you. You have touched her heart and mind. Storytelling is a branding/marketing/business tool.

Especially today in the time of COVID when we social distance an…

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Stay In Your Lane – Hone your Craft!

This blog post has been authored by Engracia Sleeswijk,

These words will undoubtedly provoke the resentment of many: "Stay in your lane." I have to admit, these words have always given me an extra drive not to be told what to do. But staying in place has a different meaning to me. Daniel Offman (1949) has developed a model that he calls "the core quadrant."

Core qualities are qualities that belong to the essence (the core) of a person; they permeate the whole human being and put all his (more or less eye-catching) properties in a particular light. The core quality "colors" a person; it is the specific strength that we immediately think of with him or her.

Examples of core qualities are, for example, decisiveness, care, diligence, courage, receptivity, orderliness, empathy, and so on. Core qualities are express…

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4 Reasons to Consider Investing in a Coach

This blog post has been authored by Kim Ward, Life By Design Solutions

I am Kim Ward, a life coach and a certified NLP coach sharing with you four reasons why you would want to consider investing in a coach. 

 Reason number 1, you know there are many times in your life where you're so close to the situation, you don't see your own potential. Having a coach and a mentor will be able to shine the light on your potential helping you see and open up that realm of possibility to start creating the things that you have always dreamt of, that you have aspired to, and maybe never thought it would be a possibility for yourself. 

 Reason number 2, is because sometimes you start to lose steam, you start to lose momentum. Having a cheerleader can really, really help you. Sometimes you don't get the support you need at home, from your immediate family, from your co-w…

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My Go-To 5 Part Audit For Work-Life Balance ⁣

This blog post has been authored by Jacqueline Relke, JW Consulting Inc

I have said it before and I will say it again: Work≠ Worth and Burnout ≠ Cute. Since when did we let society hardwire us to believe that “I’m SO busy” is a badge of honour? Your true value is measured by the energy and results you produce, and too often we do that from a place of burnout to prove our worth.

I know right?

I’m going to say this right now: If you are not living your dream or career with amazing work-life balance, we need to talk.

When I was in Corporate I took 5.5 weeks of vacation that year (even though I only had 3 weeks), because I #LearnedHowToPlayTheCorporateGame.I am here to tell you that work-life balance without burnout IS possible for you too, however it takes a little bit of re-alignment and work to make that happen.


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Positive Messages: How positive messages throughout the day, help to keep the negative thoughts away!

This blog post has been authored by Victoria J Brown, Victoria J Brown

Positive Messages … Can inspirational quotes, positive messages & affirmations really keep your thoughts elevated?In a word,‘YES!’

The Law of Attraction shows us that what we think we attract! Your thoughts are your reality. So this means the more positive messages you embrace, the more positivity you will feel.

You can learn more about this on one of my previous blog posts here!But the reality is; positivity attracts positivity & negativity attracts negativity!

So, if we are to obey by this LAW what can you do to attract more positivity into your life?

I’ve put some tips together, so you can embrace positive messages. Once you surround yourself with positivity, you will start to look for the positive in every situation.

I want you to understand, I know, this doesn’t come easily to some people, I also un…

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