How You Can Learn The Art of Blogging

This blog post has been authored by Anne-Marie Ianko, Iris Writing International

Have you considered starting your own blog, perhaps for content marketing? Or have you started one already, but do not know what to write? Writers and content marketers alike often run into these kinds of questions, but answers are available.

Blogging Verses Content Marketing

Note, blogging and content marketing have two different definitions yet remain closely related.

Professionals define content marketing as the creation and distribution of journalistic, valuable, and audience-focused copy aimed at increasing client acquisition.

In contrast, they define blogging as content consistently posted to a specific site, with regular updates to keep the content fresh. Basically, content marketing encompasses blogging, therefore an overlap exists between the two. For a lot of companies, blogging essentially brings…

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Scarlett Says

This blog post has been authored by Scarlett De Bease, Scarlett Image

Nobody, nowhere, no way, and no how could have even dreamed up what we and I mean WE are going thru right now.

For many, the ability to continue working is a blessing and a curse as they are regularly exposed to the Coronavirus. But without them, we wouldn’t have food, medical care, medications, pet needs, and our beloved Amazon shipments.

Some lucky people can conduct what is left of their business virtually via Zoom, Skype, etc. and are currently only seen from the waist up.

So, what to wear when working virtually?

First, be sure to wear the color or colors nearest your face that makes your skin tone look healthy. Now more than ever, you need to give the impression of good health and strength when you’re fortunate enough to have it.

Avoid any color that makes your skin look sallow. Instead, wear colors that mat…

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Family Over Everything, Or Nah? Transparency 101

This blog post has been authored by Miangel Crabbe, Off Top Life & Love Relationship Counseling Svcs.

Ladies, I was that WOMAN! I was the woman who claimed that my family always came first. That’s why I worked so hard to create a financially stable environment for my kids right? This is why I went to work at the crack of dawn, returned home in the evening sometimes 7 or 8 pm. I made sure everyone ate, cleaned up what others wouldn’t, and then went to bed, and then put it on repeat the next day. Somewhere in between all that 100000 miles per hour crazy, I was a counselor, secretary, chef, housekeeper, lover, nurse, therapist, you name it, I did it. I was a mother and, wife and I also had a full-time job while attending college. I was a workhorse, chronic workaholic and I functioned that way for all of my children’s lives’. I was always moving fast, and you could not slow me down for anything. I put m…

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Defining Happiness and Success

This blog post has been authored by Rania Badreldin, The Happiness Consultant

If I was to ask you to define happiness and success, what would you say? And if I asked your friends and family members, do you think the answer would be the same?Happiness and success are subjective; they're personal and individualistic. It would make no sense to look for them outside of ourselves because they're OURS. Yet we often do. We often expect others to make us feel happy or successful. Or we look to other people’s definitions of happiness or success in order to follow them. That’s like asking someone for the manual of their coffee machine so you can use it to operate your smoothie maker or vacuum cleaner.So when it comes to defining happiness and success, YOU create your own definition. Yes, you can be inspired by others. Just also remember that you are beautifully unique and YOU get to decide how you want to spend y…

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SEO Vs Social Media Marketing: Which is better?

This blog post has been authored by Samantha Johnson, DigiGirl Boss Marketing Agency

SEO vs. Social Media Marketing - Which is Better?

With online marketing, there’s a debate raging among experts over which strategy is best to grow your business.

Would SEO or social media marketing be the better option?

Often, businesses will hire an SEO expert or agency to increase their visibility in the search engines without even thinking about social media and the traffic that it can bring to their business.

Similarly, there are those who focus their attention entirely on building a social media following without spending any time on SEO.

Let’s compare both strategies to see which option is best.

Targeting an Audience

To bring in relevant traffic and sales, it’s important to be able to target a specific audience. It is definitely easier to target an appropriate audience on …

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A Blog With No Purpose

This blog post has been authored by Diya Summer Selva, Diya Selva TPC and Mastermind

Met a fabulous person some day in the past who had been blogging for three years intermittently but never bothered to give the blog a purpose. She was surprised that a blog could actually be purposed. In her words “The purpose of the blog is that I write and people read”. But what do you get out of it, Alice? (not real name) I mean other that ‘satisfaction and happiness’? Alice had no words.

So, I had been given this herculean task of finding purposes for blogs.

Needless to say, you need traffic flying into your blog on a regular basis or you need a very strong paid advertising strategy to make money on your blog. Join me on my course “Blogging for Business” where I teach a few tips and tricks. Well, it’s a hands on intensive workshop where you’ll actually create a course and do stuff around it to get it ready to make money. Read more

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Do I really need an inclusive brand?

This blog post has been authored by Rhodesia Jackson, Rhodesia J Designs

If you are considering a rebrand or creating a brand from scratch you have likely already thought about colors, or your logo. But have you thought about making sure your brand is inclusive? Do you really need an inclusive brand? My answer to that question is absolutely! Having a visual brand that is inclusive helps create a natural and authentic connection with your audience. This is crucial to make sure you are attracting the clients and customers you want to be working with. You know, those dream clients who share similar values and beliefs as you.Not totally convinced that an inclusive brand will make a difference? Here are three reasons why you should make your visual brand inclusive.1. People want to see themselves reflected in your business.There’s no better way to do that than making sure your visual brand encompasses a vari…

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You’re Doing Great: How To Stay That Way

This blog post has been authored by Jade Olivia, You're Doing Great

You’re Doing Great! The 2 Step System to Stay That Way.

As a female entrepreneur, I’m happy to tell you that as I browse the WHWE groups and promos and blogs and videos, I have nothing but admiration and respect for you all. You’re here, showing up, being true to yourselves. Basically - you’re doing great.

I’ll skip the long story about how I got to be here (you can read it it at and get right to the point, which is this: I believe I’ve been successful in a short period of time, and I want to share the secret sauce with you.

There are gurus and tools and systems all over the place, all making their unique promises and serving their unique purposes. But.. I’m not a guru. I’m not a saint. I can’t promise you’ll make a million dollars in sales. What I will do, is break down the 2 things that I think all entrepreneu…

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8 Reasons Why Women Need to Lift Weights

This blog post has been authored by Rachel Tucker, Power On Your Body Online Fitness Transformation

There are so many myths and opinions about this subject..And they are usually from people who don't have any knowledge..So, We have compiled 8 reasons why YOU betta pick up those weights!!AND...we have results...We will get to that later....For now...Here is your list!8 Reasons Why Women Should Lift WeightsLifting weights has some surprising perks that you can't get from cardio alone. Research shows that just two strength-training sessions a week can help you burn more fat, sculpt lean muscles, feel more energized, and so much more.

Here are eight reasons you should start lifting today. Before starting this or any new exercise regimen, though, make sure you consult your doctor.1. You’ll Burn More CaloriesAlthough cardio burns more calories than strength training durin…

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Winning the Inner Battle

This blog post has been authored by Megan Moriarty, Megan Moriarty, LLC

Do you ever feel like you are in a war against yourself to create the change that you desire? Do you want to lose weight but can’t resist the sweets? Do you want to kick a bad habit but have tried countless times with no luck?From a Hypnotherapist’s standpoint, this is not your fault. This inner conflict happens because your conscious desires are fighting against your subconscious programming. What most people don’t know is that your conscious mind, where all of your thinking takes place, makes up only 12% of your mind; the other 88% is made up of your subconscious mind.When I first tell clients this they are baffled. How could their 60,000+ daily thoughts make up only 12% of their brainpower? It all comes back to automatic behaviors and thought patterns. You live the majority of your life on autopilot. You do not have to put a lot …

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