At Slim Fit Dames, we help successful female entrepreneurs over 40 to achieve a slim, fit and healthy lifestyle for good so you can have the energy to run your empire, look great in the mirror and feel confident in your own skin without the struggle of self sabotage, hours at the gym or constant strict dieting through transformational Mindset, Fitness and Nutrition synergy.

If there was anything that 2020 reinforced to us, it is “Health is Wealth”! This is why we have joined forces to help you create a sustainable healthy lifestyle so that you can confidently face whatever life throws at you and embody the success you desire.

Whether you want a 1 to 1 fully bespoke 12 week programme with Donna and Adele, or you want to be a part of our supportive Mastermind community, we got you!

Our group Mastermind is delivered by 3 experts on Mindset, Fitness and Nutrition. We aim to help you easily achieve your desired health goals and provide you with tools, support and accountability to ensure an effortlessly maintainable and lasting change.

Book a call today to discuss your goals and how we can help you get to where you want to be easily and effectively!


Donna Liza 


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