Body by Design offers you a TRAILBLAZING new course, a FREE 45-minute consultation, live weekly discussion and Q &A sessions via Zoom, and self-help books, all of which provide a pathway to lasting WEIGHT LOSS and TYPE 2 DIABETES REVERSAL and their subsequent SPIN OFF DISEASES.

Drawing from the research of adult human development & aging and self-management techniques, applying meta-analyses of appropriate scientific, psychological, and medical research, and employing common sense, prayer, and ancient wisdom, Body by Design unlocks the keys to sustainable weight loss and type 2 diabetes reversal.

YOU are our Mission! Our Mission is to help you understand that if you are dealing with excess or unwanted weight, Type 2 Diabetes, or any of their spin off diseases, IT MAY NOT BE YOUR FAULT!

We also believe that it’s not too late to make changes that will provide positive lifetime outcomes, and that by working together, we are thoroughly convinced that we can help you shed those excess pounds, lower your blood sugar, and quite possibly eliminate or at least reduce your prescription meds, all of which have a tremendous influence on your longevity.

Our Vision is to promote a lifestyle shift to a higher plane of existence both in physical and psychological health. We visualize empowering and energizing each client, so they never want to look back. Our goal is to deliver appropriate education, heartfelt compassion, and excellence by applying statistically significant findings gleaned from meta-analyses of appropriate psychological, scientific research, and medical research.


Dr Marjorie Barcomb


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