I am a health coach and designer turned mindset and business coach for wellness entrepreneurs. My vision is to show them exactly how to create (or refine) a business so that it will stand out to their ideal clients as the only answer for them. My dream is to be the change—pushing the world into a healthier, happier state.

Through my signature program, The Biz Launch Code, I offer three pillars: authentic personal branding, powerful mindset shifts, and proven strategies. This one-of-a-kind results oriented program helps coaches actually launch and/or grow a business that will allow them to live the life of their dreams faster and easier than they have been led to believe.

For those who are feeling blocked and unsure of their next move in business creation or growth, check out my free guide to gain momentum and just LAUNCH already: https://bit.ly/34jsNIk

For those who are ready to take action RIGHT NOW, join my next Biz Launch Bootcamp for Coaches here: https://www.amberingraham.com/bizlaunchbootcamp

Wellness coaches can join my free online community for amazing value and content on their journey towards launching their business here: https://bit.ly/thebizlaunchpadforcoaches


Amber Ingraham


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