This blog post has been authored by Cat Janisko, The Confidence CEO

You’re Never Too Old

Today, we’re talking about one of the most overused adult phrases that I absolutely *hate.* Like really– these five words are enough to make my blood boil, and, in my field, I hear them on repeat every day from person to person.

Wanna know the five words? Maybe you’ve even said them yourself in the past…

I’m too old for that.

I cringe even having to write it! It baffles me because it’s an excuse people use to *talk themselves out* of doing something they actually, so badly want to do!

I’m too old to start my own business. I’m too old to be a parent.

I’m too old to run a marathon.

I’m too old to compete in a pageant.

Self limitations like this are instant confidence blocks. We convince ourselves to believe that what’s, in all reality, possible (even if it takes some creativity and improvisation) is actually *impossible.* That we will, in fact, never be able to do it. So, what do we do? We remove it from our mental list of dreams, goals, and aspirations… because the fact that we’ll “never be able to do it” depresses us.

I am well aware of my optimism in life. I know this because I have taken a lot of personality tests in and out of the workplace… and, in black and white, conclusive results, I am, in deed, a bonafide optimist. I acknowledge this, and I know when to, and when not to, take my optimism to extremes.

This topic is one of those “when to” moments.

Let me give you a real life example of this belief process…

My dad is an incredible woodworker who’s always been too humble for his own good. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked if the gorgeous wooden coffee table my dad made me is a product of Anthropologie, where the average market price of such a creation is usually $500 and up. How bout no Anthro, and all Jimbo?

The thing with my dad is that, even though I pushed and encouraged him to make a business out of his talent for many, many years… he always came back with the same lame, limiting excuse.

“I’m too old for that.”

It wasn’t until recently that I *finally* convinced him to take the plunge because of my own experience building a business. It was, at this point, I made a deal with him. He does all the heavy lifting (literally), and I run the sales, marketing, and strategy piece. Knowing that he would have help along the way from yours truly gave him a little boost in confidence, which is why I, myself, have a confidence and business coach to help me do the same! Getting over the belief that you’re too old sometimes requires a push from an outside source, whether it’s a coach, or a family member, or a podcast. But, the belief that you can and will break through these self-limiting thoughts… that’s all gotta come from you.

If you’re limiting yourself due to your age, I want to get very real with you right now in asking you this…

How does it feel when you think about your dreams remaining just… dreams?

How does it feel knowing you’re the only one stopping yourself from creating the life you’ve always wanted… all because of a two letter number attached to your identity?

How does it feel to settle for less when you could have the confidence and belief in yourself to settle for more?

I’ve talked myself out of things I wanted in my life before… until I stopped and realized what my mom has always told me: that age is just a number, and, if you want to do something, even a physically demanding something, get creative and do it! You’re not too old to build the life you’ve always wanted… but, you most definitely are too old to be so self limiting.

Do me a favor and ask yourself what’s stopping you. Is it fear? Is it ignorance? Is it financial? Is it morals?

No matter what it is… there’s always a way to make it happen! Yep, it might require some, or lots, of work, but, if it’s something you truly love in this life… I can personally attest in saying it won’t feel like work at all!


I’m Cat, and I help aspiring entrepreneurs and business professionals find their confidence with powerful networking tools to get loyal, ride-or-die customers, clients, and connections.