This blog post has been authored by Stand Out Online Member Emma Hall, Emma The Heart Healer Therapy

Have you heard the saying whatever you can envision you can manifest?

This is only partly true…
When it comes to manifesting a partner you may find yourself not believing your person is even out there. When every relationship doesn’t work out you may feel like giving up because you can’t see an end in sight.

When we get to a certain age we can obsess about not having a partner, overthinking statistics, and comparing ourselves with others. Instead we should focus on the best decades of our lives, without limiting beliefs that make us feel worse.

Your vision is still possible but what is standing in your way?

If we want to attract a partner you can’t have conflicting beliefs – as they cancel each other out. It’s one of the rules of the mind.

For example:
Maybe you say, “I would love a partner, but who’s going to want me now at this age?” Or, “All the good ones are gone.” Conflicting beliefs sabotage what we want to manifest, not to mention make you feel bad inside.

We all have thoughts like this!
But when it comes to manifesting a partner if we think these thoughts over and over again it becomes deep rooted belief, which becomes our perceptional story based past experiences.

Limiting beliefs are success blockers and just like any goal we want to achieve we never must never stop believing that our vision is possible because it is! If you believe it’s never going to happen your beliefs will take you in that direction.

Think back to your long term relationships.. did you meet them when you weren’t looking & feeling good about life?

Never give up on yourself no matter how old you are. Based on what’s in front of you or behind you, the past is not you. You are not your past. The path ahead of you is yours to create, and I’m here to show you how to subconsciously create a path of unwavering belief, confidence and a feeling of being forever youthful.

Emma is a Raid Transformational Therapist who helps men & women overcome heartbreak and toxic relationship patterns in a short amount of time, without the need for extensive therapy.

During her sessions, she collaborates with her clients to create a safe and supportive environment where they can regain self-confidence and self-esteem & release any attachment style.

Emma’s guidance enables people to work through deep-seated subconscious issues and emotional scars, allowing them to heal and move forward.

She helps clients examine and transform their relationship blueprints, providing them with access to evidence-based healing, wholeness, and clarity.

Through Emma’s guidance, people can break free from the cycle of negative relationship patterns and achieve greater emotional wellness.

Her unique approach is designed to help individuals heal and transform quickly and effectively, allowing them to move forward with confidence and positivity Emma’s clients usually attract their partners within the year!

If you’re struggling with heartbreak or toxic relationships,
Emma may be the guide you need to help you find the path to healing and a brighter future.