This blog post has been authored by Britni Zandbergen-Karel, 8 Organics

We are purpose-built to be in perfect health and have total well-being.

Our immune systems are powerful bumper guards and shields of protection against all forms of negativity.

When there is disease in the body, mind or spirit, it is because we have forgotten our purpose. This forgetting causes imbalances in the system. Faulty information begins to be transmitted to our cells, and when there are too many imbalances and faulty information in our system, weakness and sickness can occur.

The intelligence of every cell in the body is beyond fathomable. Just as an acorn has all the intelligence within it to grow into a mighty oak tree, so too does every cell in our body. Your body has the Natural Intelligence within it to spread vitality, protection, and yes, perfect health.

In Ayurveda, we do not recognize “supplements” or “supplementing” the immune system. We understand that the body already has the supreme intelligence it needs to heal itself – it just has to be reminded. That is why 8 Organics was created, to remind every cell, organ and tissue in your body of its perfect state of health. In Ayurveda, we remind your body of its wellbeing everyday through Daily Rituals: powerful herbs, oils, mantras, meditation, yoga, clean pure food and pure environments. To build a powerful immune system, it takes a daily commitment, a daily routine, and letting go of negativity in all forms and in every facet of your life.

Think of your immune system as your most powerful muscle. This muscle needs to be built and put through strength training every day. In Ayurveda, building a strong immune system takes every quality of life into consideration – from the quality of your environment to your relationships, the food you eat, the news you hear, the conversations you have, and your overall outlook on all of life. All forms of negativity break down the immune system, just as thrash metal music shatters the intelligence of a perfectly formed ice crystals. The vibrational quality of an ice crystal and thrash metal music is so opposite that it causes the crystal to immediately shatter.

Our bodies are just like those perfect ice crystals. If we subject ourselves to the “thrash metal music” of daily stress, depression, anger, anxiety, hatred, self-hatred, frustration, jealousy, non-nutritional food, and unhealthy conversations and relationships, it’s just not a fit vibrationally and we will break down. And, this is when viruses spread most easily.

When we created 8 Organics, we based our formulas on these ancient Ayurvedic principles. We use the highest quality Ayurvedic, organic apoptogenic herbs that act as a buffer between you and negativity. We use four unique organic, Ayurvedic Apana’s (natural, clean, delivery agents such as sesame oil, coconut oil, jaggery and honey) for our herbs to absorb deeply into the cells, tissue and organs. Powdered forms of these herbs taken in capsule form or put into a smoothie, aren’t as effective as they do not have the supreme bioavailability.

Our Daily Ritual EAT. SNIFF. SWISH. turns on the entire physiology, reminding it of its perfect state of health and wellbeing. When taken twice daily, you will feel more alive and effervescent because your immune system will be turned on. Every day, your immunity will systematically grow, and the more you pay attention to your internal environment through daily meditation, your nervous system will have the opportunity to let go of what it no longer needs… stress, anxiety, fear, sadness, and this allows your immune system to power up your entire being, instead of being hijacked by negativity.

We want you to try Daily Ritual. Eat. Sniff. Swish with us twice daily before brushing and see how good you were purpose-built to feel.

One more wonderful by-product of a boosted immune system… when your immune system is boosted, it helps turn on your digestive fires, and when your digestion is clean and clear, your skin will glow and your hair will grow.

With Great Love. Wishing everyone Perfect Health and Total Wellbeing.

Hi! I am Britni Zandbergen-Karel. I am an experienced marketing leader that loves to develop, execute, & improve original marketing campaigns that generate leads, develop brand awareness, and increase revenue for brands that I believe make a real and powerful difference in people’s lives.