Do you have a dead Facebook group?🪦

Are you hearing crickets?🦗 Here are 3 ways to revitalize your Facebook group.

1.Ask engaging questions and get people to respond, ask people things about them.🗣️

Things in your group that your members will be interested in and get them posting. You can even ask them to share the last photo on their phone.

Anything to get the algorithm moving again and get them back interested in your group.

2. Use the everyone feature @

Yes, I know some people actually hate that, but if you're asking questions or you're providing really great content, go ahead and use it. That will alert members to come back to the group.

3. Use the chat feature. 💬

Groups have a chat feature and that is a great way to get in touch with your members and get them interested.

Start a chat but don't make it promotional!

Make it high-value and full of questions, and engagement, and you can invite all the members of your group to your chat.

So there are three quick ways that you can bring that Facebook group back to life! 💗