This blog post has been authored by Ilean Harris,

As a coach, your time is incredibly valuable. You want to focus on what you do best – coaching and helping your clients achieve their goals. However, the process of acquiring new clients can be time-consuming and often takes you away from your core mission. That’s where evergreen webinars come into play. In this blog post, we’re going to explore how you can automate your coaching sales using evergreen webinars, giving you more time to do what you love – coaching.

After working with coaching clients in over 20 countries and growing my email list to over 100,000 email subscribers, I am so excited to share with you today what works so you can achieve your goals too!

What Are Evergreen Webinars?

First things first, let’s clarify what evergreen webinars are. Unlike live webinars that happen at a specific date and time, evergreen webinars are pre-recorded presentations that can be accessed by your audience whenever they choose. These webinars run on autopilot, making them a fantastic tool for automating your sales process.

The Benefits of Evergreen Webinars for Coaches

* Reach a Global Audience: Evergreen webinars can be accessed by people from all over the world. This means you’re not limited by time zones or geographical boundaries, making it easier to attract clients from different locations.
* Consistency: With evergreen webinars, your message remains consistent every time a potential client watches it. This ensures that you present your coaching services in the best possible way, without variations or slip-ups that can occur during live presentations.
* Time Efficiency: You record your webinar once, set it up, and it works for you 24/7. This frees up your time to focus on coaching, developing your skills, and creating more content.
* Lead Nurturing: Evergreen webinars allow you to nurture your leads effectively. You can include calls to action within the presentation, guiding your potential clients through the decision-making process.
* Data and Analytics: With evergreen webinars, you have access to detailed analytics. You can see who’s watching, when they’re dropping off, and where they’re engaging the most. This information is invaluable for refining your marketing strategy.

Creating Your Evergreen Webinar

Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating your evergreen webinar:
1. Content Creation: Start by designing your webinar content. You can address common pain points, showcase your expertise, and provide valuable insights that demonstrate the benefits of your coaching services.
2. Recording: Record your webinar in a professional and engaging manner. Make sure your presentation is polished and free of technical glitches. This might take some practice, but it’s worth it for a high-quality presentation.
3. Automation Tools: Choose an automation platform to host and schedule your evergreen webinar. Tools like WebinarJam, EverWebinar, or ClickFunnels are popular choices for hosting automated webinars.
4. Integration: Integrate your evergreen webinar with your website, email marketing software, and other essential tools. This ensures a seamless experience for your audience.
5. Promotion: Promote your evergreen webinar through your website, social media, email marketing, and any other relevant channels. Offer it as a resource to your target audience, emphasizing the value they will gain from watching it.
6. Follow-Up Sequences: Set up email sequences to follow up with those who have watched your evergreen webinar. You can provide additional information, answer questions, and ultimately guide them toward your coaching services.

Optimizing Your Evergreen Webinar

Once your evergreen webinar is live, don’t stop there. Continuously monitor its performance and make improvements. This might include:
* A/B Testing: Experiment with different elements of your webinar, such as the title, the presentation order, or the call to action. See what resonates most with your audience.
* Updating Content: As your coaching services evolve, make sure your evergreen webinar stays up-to-date. You want your message to align with your current offerings.
* Engagement Strategies: Analyze where viewers drop off in your webinar and work on strategies to keep them engaged throughout.

After building 6 & 7 figure businesses, I am excited to help you win big online too! Reach out for more support today!

In conclusion, automating your coaching sales with evergreen webinars is a game-changer. It allows you to reach a broader audience, maintain consistency, and save precious time. Remember that your webinar is not a one-and-done deal; it’s a living asset that can continually attract new clients to your coaching practice. So, if you’re ready to take your coaching business to the next level, start creating your evergreen webinar today! 

Hi! I’m Ilean Harris.
My name is Ilean Harris and I have clients in over 20 countries. A decade or more ago I started from scratch and I have built 6 & 7 figure businesses without major affiliates, millions of followers online, or being chained to a desk. I even started a foundation to help educate minority business owners online.

So if you want to build a business and a great life, I am ready to show you the fun way to build a profitable online business, add thousands to your email list, and sell out your offer!